Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Fracking Should Not Be Banned - 1270 Words
Energy production has been one of the most paramount forces that have influenced the actions of the United States as a country. Wars have been fought and treaties have been signed over the opportunity for oil. However, there has been a recent transition to cheaper and domestic energy sources of energy. Oklahoma has become a microcosm of these events that have occurred. With the discovery of natural gas reserves throughout the state, hydraulic fracturing has seen a boom in utilization. However, this has been largely detrimental for the state. Fracking should not be allowed in Oklahoma because of its environmental implications, its effect on Oklahomaââ¬â¢s future, and its impact on the people of Oklahoma. Fracking has become a massive businessâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The water creates pressures within the earth that cause cracks to form, which are then filled with even more water, which then returns to the surface, bringing the oil or natural gas with it (ââ¬Å"EARTHWORKSâ⠬ ). The water and fuel are then separated, and the water is disposed (ââ¬Å"EARTHWORKSâ⬠). The fracking process has evolved a great deal, and other methods that do not use water have been invented, but this method remains the most popular (ââ¬Å"EARTHWORKSâ⬠). Despite its innovations, fracking still causes more harm than good. Hydraulic fracturing has numerous negative effects on Oklahoma. A nearly unavoidable byproduct of fracking that cannot be ignored is the pollution that stems from it. During the fracking process, a portion of the methane produced, which is shown to trap heat twenty-five times more effectively than carbon dioxide, another common greenhouse gas, escapes into the atmosphere as it is brought to the surface (Hoffman). Studies conducted in Weld County, Colorado, which has a comparable number of fracking wells to many places in Oklahoma; show that this loose methane is the equivalent of the carbon emissions of nearly three million cars (Hoffman). Furthe rmore, fracking has been shown to release large amounts of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide into the air, which are two of the main components of smog (Hoffman). Even in places such as
Monday, December 23, 2019
Capitalism Vs. Communism And Communism - 1266 Words
Necati Ucev Mr. Raia Creative Writing 1 5 May 2015 Capitalism vs Communism Throughout history, people have tested many different political systems have a better society. The most common political systems that people have tested are monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, aristocracy and democracy. I will talk about capitalism and communism in this research paper. Both those systems are created to change the economic situation. There have been a huge debate about Capitalism vs Communism. Throughout this research paper, I am going to talk about how these different method works, advantages and disadvantages that each of them creates ââ¬Å"Capitalism is an economic system with the right of a business to make its own decision and operate with a profit motive and individual rights to possess and dispose of goods, services, and resourcesâ⬠. (1). The government who choose to use capitals system were democratic. Adam Smith is from Scottish. He was one of the great philosopher during his time. Because of his great work on capitalism, he is also known as the father of the capitalism. He published a book named The Wealth of Nation in 1776.His book had so much influence on economic thinking at that time and as well as at this time. The thesis of the book is ââ¬Å"The best way to increase the wealth of nation is through individual decision making with minimal government interferenceâ⬠(2). This quotes simply states that in order to make richer and better society, there should be individual decision making.Show MoreRelatedCommunism vs Capitalism992 Words à |à 4 PagesIs Communism a better economic system than capitalism? By Michael Kujawski Since the beginning of the 20th century many countries have favored the economic system of communism over capitalism many political partys around the world that are communist based have the term ââ¬Å"workers partyâ⬠incuded in their name because communism is a system for the working class and capitalism is a competitive system for the upper class society to benefit. Read More Communism vs Capitalism Essay849 Words à |à 4 Pages Capitalism vs. Communism nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout history, there have been many systems developed in order to have a better society. Two of the most analyzed, and debated systems that have tired to change an economy for the best are communism, and capitalism. Communism, and capitalism have been compared on many levels, such as why they will or will not work, and which one works better. Throughout this essay I will concentrate on the differences, and similarities of how each operatesRead MoreThe Dispute Of Communism Vs. Capitalism884 Words à |à 4 PagesThe dispute of communism vs. capitalism Coming from an Americans perspective it is difficult to comprehend that anything other than democracy, a mixed system, and the way the United States operates would be suitable. However, this is exactly why I very much enjoyed this task. While at first I was reluctant to believe that there are any pros of either system due to the constant negative stereotypes linked with each system, I am now able to broaden my horizon and see things from a different perspectiveRead MoreCapitalism Vs. Socialism And Communism1175 Words à |à 5 Pages Capitalism VS. Socialism/Communism Analysis The industrial revolution changed the way people lived. Before the industrial revolution all the work that is now done by machines was done by hand. It also allowed the ambitious working class man to join the rich at the top. This was done through capitalism and laisses-faire economics which gave businesses the ability to operate in a free market without government regulation. Capitalism deserves its share of criticism because of the abuses it causedRead MoreCommunism vs Socialism vs Capitalism1861 Words à |à 8 PagesCommunism vs. Socialism vs. Capitalism With every type of government, there are going to be many inefficiencies and flaws to deal with. A perfect way to run a country, socially and economically, has yet to be discovered. Social Equality and economic opportunity have proven throughout history to be two great entities that cannot be intertwined with each other. The idea of running communist country is good willed because it is striving for social equally for all and equal possession of the countrysRead MoreCommunism Vs. Capitalism : Rough Draft793 Words à |à 4 PagesRoffel October 10th, 2014 Communism vs. Capitalism Comparison Rough Draft Throughout the history of the United States, capitalism has always been a staple in American society. Would the country we live in today be an enhanced, more equal place to live if it were a communist one? Communism, by definition, is more or less an economic system of society in which the major resources and means of production are owned by the community and are not monopolized. Whereas in capitalism, private businesses andRead MoreThe Cold War Was Easy : Capitalism Vs. Communism1402 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction The Cold War was easy: Capitalism vs. Communism, West vs. East, Good vs. Evilâ⬠¦ however you wanted to define it, the dichotomy was simple to understand. When the Soviet Union officially dissolved in 1991, the New World Order was going to be a little more difficult to define, and to comprehend. The first to try was Francis Fukuyama: With his essay entitled, The End of History he declared ââ¬Å"an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalismâ⬠. The resulting, ââ¬Å"triumph of the Westâ⬠Read MoreCapitalism Vs. Socialism : The Transitional Period Between Capitalism And Communism1330 Words à |à 6 PagesCapitalism versus Socialism In the theories developed by Karl Marx, socialism is considered the transitional period between capitalism and communism. For a long time, capitalism versus socialism has been argued and debated. Socialism is an economic system in which goods and services are provided through a central system of government and aims to make everyone equal. They have different forms of socialism that have different beliefs. Some of the biggest disadvantages of socialism are that it reliesRead MoreCommunism V.S Capitalism Essay example856 Words à |à 4 PagesCapitalism vs. Communism Throughout history, there have been many systems developed in order to have a better society. Two of the most analyzed, and debated systems that have tired to change an economy for the best are communism, and capitalism. Communism, and capitalism have been compared on many levels, such as why they will or will not work, and which one works better. Throughout this essay I will concentrate on the differences, and similarities of how each operates, along with the benefitsRead MoreManifesto Of The Communist Party920 Words à |à 4 Pagesreflects an attempt to explain the goals and objectives of Communism, while also explaining the concrete theories about the nature of society in relation to the political ideology. The Communist Manifesto breaks down the relationship of socio-economic classes and specifically identifies the friction between those classes. Karl Marx essentially presents a well analyzed understanding of class struggles and the issues concerning capitalism, the means and modes of production and how those means affect
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Affirmative Action The Bane of Progress Free Essays
The Bane of Progress Delimitation Is something any rational member of society would Like to dispel. Discrimination is something that has stunted the growth of the great country of America for a number of years. A policy called affirmative action was introduced to prioritize the Inclusion of minorities in a number of aspects. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action: The Bane of Progress or any similar topic only for you Order Now Affirmative action in university admissions started in the late asses as an effort to Jump-start racial integration. Affirmative action In college admissions decisions has certainly made an Impact, some would argue an Impact for the worst. Through numerous studies and endings, It has been shown that affirmative action does not Increase enrollment of minority students on a large scale or benefit them while in essence it actually hurts members of well represented ethnicities and races. Affirmative action in the college admissions process can be looked at in two ways. Supporters of affirmative action claim that affirmative action is the perfect policy to make up for the racism and discrimination of the past. Dissenters of affirmative action believe that affirmative action actually counteracts what Itââ¬â¢s trying to do. Affirmative action gives minorities priority over well represented races and ethnicities, despite similar standing. So, it could be understood how this controversial policy could be disliked. Affirmative action bans can and have been enacted by certain states in the US. Affirmative action bans can be perceived in two different ways by minority affiliated prospects. These minority students may decide not to apply to colleges with affirmative action bans because they feel as though they arenââ¬â¢t wanted or that the school Is racist and discriminating. The situation can also be looked at In the fact that their admission to the school had nothing to do with their race or ethnicity. This viewpoint allows for a rational understanding as to why one did or did not get into a certain college. The effects of affirmative action are incredibly long withstanding. Affirmative action calls upon oneââ¬â¢s race in an admissions decision to be a tie-breaker, but racial preferences are far more than tie-breakers. As referred to In ââ¬Å"Mismatchâ⬠by Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor, colleges use a sort of ââ¬Å"academic Indexâ⬠when It comes to determining which students to admit or not. It is a points system based on act/sat scores as well as GAP. These universities that value affirmative action instruct their admissions officers to roughly mirror the racial makeup of the applicants, which is typically 9% black. (Mismatch) So it is in adherence with this policy that the admissions officer will take a minority student with a significantly lower academic index score and add a certain amount of points so that he or she qualifies over a significant white candidate. Almost all colleges that Implement racial preferences have either an explicit or an implicit weight assigned to race. These schools believe that they have to have a certain percentage of the student body be represented by each minority. Thus in theory throwing out any competitive white students who werenââ¬â¢t top tier but were academically more successful than their minority peers. These racial preferences lead too ââ¬Å"cascade effectâ⬠. The top institutions get their pick better matched at a lower-tier school. The second tier of schools then loses out on students that would have been good matches there thus making them reach for worse matches to compose their student body and so forth. The racial preferences when enacted create a domino effect, causing each school on the chain to have worse and worse student matches. The cascade effect is multiplied by the number of schools using racial preferences. It Just gets worse and worse for every institution as long as affirmative action is enacted. In simplest terms, students chosen by top-tier institutions that werenââ¬â¢t exactly qualified begin to fail and suffer. They have been stripped of their opportunities to prosper in that they have been accepted into top- tier institutions which actually arenââ¬â¢t best for them. In the vicious cycle of affirmative action, the racial preferences create the mismatch effect. The mismatch effect being that minority students with lower qualifications who get into top-tier schools because f racial preference struggling at the top-tier schools thus creating a mismatch between the student and the institution. All the while that student could have prospered at a lower-tier school where their skills would blossom better. The mismatch effect has many components. A significant study was conducted by Dartmouth College psychologists Rogers Elliot and A. C. Streets. These two psychologists noticed something was wrong with one facet of racial integration. Dartmouth was not producing very many black or Indian scientists. For the study the psychologists gathered the admissions and transcripts data on some five thousand dents form four of the nationââ¬â¢s most elite schools. The researchers found out that in high school blacks were actually more likely to major in science, math, engineering, or technology (known as STEM) than whites. The thing that was peculiar about this though, was the studentsââ¬â¢ academic preparation. Students who entered the top higher education institutions with a math SAT score under 550 were only about one- fifth as likely to graduate with a STEM degree as students with a math SAT score over 700. (Mismatch) These minority students who were admitted into the top academic institutions came in with generally less knowledge. This caused these students to become weeded out of the STEM majors group because they simply couldnââ¬â¢t handle the course material that they were given that the whites admitted were handling well. These minority students simply werenââ¬â¢t a match for the top academic institutions, not because they werenââ¬â¢t as gifted but they werenââ¬â¢t given a structurally sound previous education in high school like most well represented races were. The mismatch effect has entirely led students who have all the potential to prosper and succeed to end up failing or falling behind Just because they werenââ¬â¢t previously given he best opportunities. It is by no flaw of their own that minority students seemed to fail in higher academic institutions. Affirmative action and its racial preferences actually diminished their chances of success through its counterproductive methods of implementation. Many began to realize that affirmative action was actually hurting higher education. Once this began getting realized, affirmative action bans began coming into play. Call to play the University of California. In 1995 there was a vote by the board of regents of the university to end racial and gender preferences across the nine-campus system. In 1996 there was a vote by California voters to adopt an initiative called Proposition 209, which affirmed and extended the viewpoints on Prop 209. Those who were against affirmative action took it quite well and were quite content with the proposition. Those who were for affirmative action went to great lengths to deter the proposition. Prop 209 was incredibly hated by organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (UCLA), The National Organization for Women (NOW), the NAACP, and the feminist majority. Minorities and women alike took Proposition 209 as an assault to them. Proposition 209 outshoot the test though, and it came with many common fears. Many believed the race-blind admissions process would dramatically reduce minority enrollment. (Mismatch) It could obviously be inferred that less minority students would be admitted to the top-tier institutions, but there was also the idea of the ââ¬Å"chilling effectâ⬠. Many feared that black and Hispanic students would find institutions with Prop. 209 in effect would be hostile environments for them. They believed the minority students wouldnââ¬â¢t choose these schools because they felt unwanted there. This proposition created what would become the ââ¬Å"warming effectâ⬠. The announced ending of racial preferences at University of California schools coincided with a Jump in the rate in which blacks and Hispanics accepted offers of admissions from US schools. This warming effect was particularly large at the most elite US schools, which had previously used the largest racial preferences. Minority enrollment seemed largely unaffected at the three elite campuses. The implementation of Prop. 209 actually made the top-tier blacks and Hispanics want to try and attend the elite US schools. This proposition led to an increase in the most elite schools, not Just the lower tier schools. It can easily be inferred that the aura of race neutral admission policies attracted many more minority students than it repelled. Studies ended up showing that Prop. 209 had the effect of raising five-year minority graduation rates from 3 to 7 percent points. (Mismatch) The results on effects of affirmative action bans are quite consistent across the board. A study conducted by Peter Henries, done on the effects of affirmative action bans on college enrollment, educational attainment, and the demographic composition of universities has provided immense proof against affirmative actionââ¬â¢s claimed benefits. Henriesââ¬â¢ study found that affirmative action bans had no effect on the common college or the common student. Although the study did find that affirmative action bans decreased underrepresented minorities enrollment and increased Caucasian enrollment slightly over time. A finding of Winchââ¬â¢s study even found that ââ¬Å"Alternatively, an affirmative action ban may increase minority graduation rates if it reduces a mismatch between minorities and the type of college they attend. â⬠(Henries) The study goes on to show that though affirmative action bans decrease minority enrollment in selective schools it may actually help them. As a result of Henriesââ¬â¢ study one can infer quite a few things. First, affirmative action bans do have an impact. Not so much of an impact at major public universities, but impacts on minority enrollment at selective universities. These bans have been shown to help, and also to hurt. Affirmative action bans are truly a case by case scenario. The grand outlook though, is one that presents bans as promoting fairness. A study by Ben Backed titled, ââ¬Å"Do Affirmative Action Bans Lower Minority College Enrollment and Attainment? Evidence from Statewide Bansâ⬠finds quite similar results as the study done by Henries. Backedââ¬â¢ Henries. The most important statement from Backedââ¬â¢ study comes in his conclusion/ summary of findings. Backedââ¬â¢ ends his study with the line, ââ¬Å"However, the effects of affirmative action?both at top-tier schools and the university system generally?are small relative to the total population of minority students. â⬠(Backed) These studies leave the subject of affirmative action at a moral standpoint. Both studies show that yes, affirmative actions do effect minority enrollment at selective colleges but the effect is quite small relative to the total population of minority students. It imposes the moral question of whether race should matter when the effects are so relatively small. The evidence shows that statewide affirmative action bans do little to harm minority enrollment or graduation, so in essence race shouldnââ¬â¢t be an issue. Affirmative action time and time again has harmed society. Even when numerous studies have been done and been proven to show that affirmative action is indeed unnecessary many argue that it is essential for societal progress. It is essential that countrywide affirmative action bans have to take place. Bans on affirmative action do o harm to minority enrollment and they actually help minority graduation rates. For example, Michigan Just recently banned affirmative action, and this is something which could tremendously help create equality in admissions decisions in the state. More and more states continue to adopt affirmative action bans, as it becomes more and more prevalent that affirmative action policies are actually against what they are for. These policies create racial segregation and create a divide that is unnecessary. A personââ¬â¢s ethnicity or race should have no role in whether or not they get into a college. In todayââ¬â¢s 21st century society all members are valued equally. How to cite Affirmative Action: The Bane of Progress, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
My So-Called Enemy Short Film Review free essay sample
The world is formed by connections, both positive and negative ones. A relationship is the manner by which at least two ideas, protests, or individuals are associated, or the condition of being associated. Connections come in numerous appearances, for example, family enrollments, fellowships, insinuate connections, on a bigger scale, common undertakings, and some more. Likewise, interests are a tremendous segment to connections; an ordinarily known intrigue as well as debatable subject is religion. Religion has united individuals since the very beginning. One situation, which incorporates a tie amongst religion and relations, is the short film, My So-Called Enemy, which gets in contact with the connection between the Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine. In this short film, the connection between six young ladies from restricting nations (Israel and Palestine) is endeavoring to discover peace in their home of warfare. After watching, watchers may make sense of that individuals who are instructed to be each otherââ¬â¢s enemies can look past the awful and move toward becoming companions. We will write a custom essay sample on My So-Called Enemy: Short Film Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For instance, one of the Palestinian young ladies, Inas cites, When I see the Jewish girls as individuals, I love them and all of them are my friendsâ⬠¦we talk every day, and we eat together, we dance together, and we see them always together. But when I remember that they are Jews, I have my feelings at the same timeâ⬠¦because their people killed my father. This shows that weââ¬â¢re taught at a very young age what to think about a group at a young age, yet we can think about them differently when were thinking about them individually. When thereââ¬â¢s a Jerusalem explosion that kills seven, a Palestinian Israeli girl, Riyam says, ââ¬Å"I did not go put that bomb there, they are blaming us indirectly, theyââ¬â¢re blaming.. cause all they ever do is just victimize themselves.â⬠Showing that she knows that people blame groups indirectly just as they were blaming the Palestinians. Another huge piece from the video is the point at which the six young ladies are in a circle hopping around together, yelling, Sisters! Sisters! Demonstrating the young ladies hopping in delight together showing how they genuinely found their tranquility and satisfaction, now withstanding their political and religious contrasts.
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